FAQ's for Rosconnor Specialist Dentistry


What is a dental specialist?

The specialist lists were created by the General Dental Council (GDC) for the reassurance and protection of patients.

A dental specialist is an expert in their field. Specialists have spent many years after their basic dental degree in postgraduate education in order to gain the necessary experience and additional qualifications.

The title 'Specialist' can only be used with approval from the GDC.

This means that not only do we have access to the latest techniques and procedures but we also have the experience, expertise and knowledge to help you find the right treatment for your dental problems.



Why has my dentist referred me for treatment?

There are many situations where a general dentist is not in a position to carry out the complexity of necessary treatment, and it is at this stage that he/she may decide to refer a patient to a dental specialist. This is similar to a G.P. referring a patient to a hospital consultant.

It is our goal to work with your general dentist providing the treatment they request, at whichever level it is requested.

Your dentist has referred you to us because:

  • They trust us to provide you with the correct and most up to date/unbiased advice for your problem.
  • They know that any treatment provided will be to the best of our ability, using all the expertise available, and any problems encountered will be carefully and sympathetically managed.
  • They trust us to deliver value for money.

Your dentist will be kept informed about any treatment which has been agreed upon. Once completed, we will write to your dentist explaining the treatment provided and the results achieved, together with advising of any long term maintenance requirements. Your dentist will continue to care for your general dental needs.

All new patients to the practice need to be referred by their general dentist.

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